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Checkout (- Items)

Checkout Error Message for entire checkout. If we use this section, we probably want to include which section the error occurred in?

Step 1 - Delivery Details

Step 1 Error Message. This is a text box so it can fit a decent amount of text in it depending on the message.

I agree to Whitefish Concierge pricing of $50 Shopping & Delivery Fee plus 30% Service Fee.

I understand the primary delivery area is a 10-mile radius of downtown Whitefish, MT. There will be an additional service fee for extended delivery areas outside this location.

Alcohol products must be paid directly to the merchant. We will coordinate on your behalf. Alcohol delivery is a flat rate service ($50 per 10 items requested).

Step 2 - Payment Details

Step 2 Error Section. This is a text box so it can fit a decent amount of text in it depending on the message.

Step 3 - Place Order

Place Order
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